Commentaries and discussion on seminal papers in molecular simulation.

Ultra-sensitive binding response: Superselectivity and the role of combinatorial entropy in binding

Stefano Angioletti-Uberti1; Tine Curk2
1Department of Materials, Imperial College London, UK
2Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, USA

Commentary on

F. Martinez-Veracoechea and D. Frenkel, “Designing super selectivity in multivalent nano-particle binding”, PNAS, 108:10963 (2011),

Read the Commentary (PDF)

Statement of Significance

Multivalency refers to the possibility of both synthetic and natural constructs, e.g., nanoparticles or viruses, to bind their target via multiple ligand-receptor bonds. Super-selectivity is a peculiar property of multivalent binding, first rationalised by Martinez-Veracoechea and Frenkel, and refers to the almost step-like response of the binding probability with respect to the number of receptors on the target. This commentary discusses the physical origins of this phenomenon, and how (combinatorial) entropy provides a fruitful point of view to understand ultra-sensitive responses involving multivalent agents.

How to cite

Cite the commentary as:

S. Angioletti-Uberti & T. Curk, "Ultra-sensitive binding response: Superselectivity and the role of combinatorial entropy in binding",
KIM REVIEW, Volume 2, Article 02, 2024. DOI: 10.25950/4f38ca7d